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What is link building?

Link building is the process of building links on reputable publications to improve a website’s keyword rankings and search results. Throughout the SEO and content marketing communities, link building tactics are accepted as the best strategy for improving organic traffic, site authority, brand awareness, and Google search results.

What is white hat link building?

Not all link building tactics advertised in the SEO industry are Google compliant, and some run the risk of resulting in Google penalties for your site. Link Laboratory’s link building process is entirely white-hat because it relies on original, good content to earn relevant backlinks on high quality websites. We earn you the best backlinks through a content marketing strategy that produces the best results.

How many backlinks do I need?

The number of links you need depends on your competitors, your current search engine performance, and whether you’re a new website. The most authoritative websites often have thousands of quality backlinks from hundreds of referring domains, but white hat and compliant link building activity will always be good for your own website. 

We will identify the best keyword and link opportunities on authoritative target websites with strong citation and trust flow. They will drastically move the needle on your domain authority in the long run. Unlike other link building companies, regardless of the number of backlinks you need, no SEO campaign is too big or small for us.

How long do your backlinks last?

We are a high-quality link building service that gets quality links that don’t disappear. We make sure all guest posts and original, quality content appear on high quality, relevant websites that benefit your link profile. We do link building the right way, ensuring every new backlink meets Google’s guidelines and boosts your online presence for the long run.

What do your services include?

From link profile analysis, keyword research, guest post services, manual link building, to blogger outreach services, we are the definitive choice for quality link building services. Our SEO professionals will work within your monthly budget to design a custom strategy that gets you good links, whatever your particular niche. Let us know your target keyword, or schedule a free consultation to see which  keywords will be a good fit for your goals.

How do you find niche sites in my industry?

We have spent a lot of time link building, and we have good relationships with the best places to publish on the internet because we create content for them on specific topics on a regular basis. Good content is a valuable resource, and these web sites know that we reliably produce it. Our reputation for quality content, blog posts, and guest posts helps us secure placements quickly, and our directory of quality sites will help you see search engine ranking improvements faster.

Do you work with small businesses?

From local businesses, enterprise organizations, to digital marketing and SEO agencies, no project is too big or too small for our link builders. Read some of our testimonials to see how we’ve helped business owners improve their clicks, page views, search engine results, tags, local citations, pagerank, organic traffic, and anchor text diversity, all through our guest post and link building efforts.

I have specific sites I want a guest post on. Can you get me an inbound link from there?

We cannot guarantee blogger outreach on specific sites, but we guarantee quality content, and long term link placement on reputable, real sites. Our contextual links take your link profile to the next level, as our SEO strategy is designed to get good links and steer clear of bad links and low quality links. We avoid the easy way out in our client campaigns and secure dofollow links that get you better rankings and a lot of traffic from all major search engines.

Can I choose my anchor text?

We study your backlink profile to see which types of new backlinks will most help you grow, but we cannot guarantee specific anchor text or target sites. You will be informed of each placement in your customer dashboard, and will have full transparency on the relevant sites or blogger outreach that we perform. Check out our case studies to see how our approach and strategic insights have helped website owners across industries improve their Google Rankings.

How do you compare to your competitors?

Unlike other vendors, we secure links with high domain authority, like DA 60-90+. Our outreach team has worked years to develop quality relationships with high authority sites, meaning amazing link opportunities and placements that get you better rankings and drive website traffic. 

Other vendors may claim to get you lots of links on the cheap, but they take shortcuts. Cheaper links are usually not a good option, as you get what you pay for. There are many important factors that make a good type of link–domain rating, user experience of the webpage, positive reviews, anchors, social media shares, internal links, brand mentions, page authority — and our data scientists consider all of them before securing any new links for your site. 

Our link building strategy produces better results because we don’t go after easy backlinks (aka bad links), but only quality backlinks on publications that website owners will be happy to be associated with.

Do you provide other SEO or digital marketing services?

We are a niche, boutique SEO company that specializes in building backlinks. Our SEO services are limited to link building through original, new content, as it is the best way to help potential customers appear on more search engine results pages. We can customize our client campaigns to any size, and our sole focus on links is why we are considered one of the best link building services available.