Link Building

Content-Driven Link Building

January 2, 2023

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Search Engine Optimization, at its core, is fairly simple. Reputable companies and websites show up more prominently in online search engines. In order to develop a good reputation, a site needs to be frequently linked to by other reputable online sources and within content that relevant and engaging.

Building up your reputation means surrounding yourself with good company. It’s essential that you are referenced in sophisticated content featured in well-respected publications. To that end, a good SEO strategy employs more than simply generating links; it ties those links to superior quality content.

About Our Process

Rather than simply slapping links on pages randomly, we incorporate varied and strategically-developed anchor text into research-based, informative articles. Not only does this raise the quantity of references to your site; it raises the quality with which you’re associated. Your company is referenced as an authoritative voice in an industry-related article. These articles are featured in well-known and respected publications.

The way in which your company is referenced in a piece matters immensely, and phrasing is key. Experts develop a specific anchor to which your website will be linked. We start by analyzing your backlinking profile, current page, and domain authority rankings. We assess what your needs are in relation to your market competitors, industry trends, and identity opportunities. From there, we design a content strategy specifically tailored to your company and SEO landscape.

In the content we create, we’re specific with our link placements. You don’t want potentially damaging backlash from thoughtless link dropping. The Link Laboratory strategy doesn’t involve buying links, which means the links you earn will be around forever. When we put links in our articles, we make sure the anchor text smoothly flows with the content and fits with the natural flow of the article. Our links are never in author bylines, and they’re never tagged as “sponsored.” You are an authoritative reference in a knowledgeable article, not simply an advertisement.

Learn More

Link Laboratory develops a high-quality product in our useful and informative articles, through which we link to our clients. If you believe your brand deserves to be represented by excellent content in reputable publications, and you’re ready to get started, click here. You can learn more about our packages and pricing options by visiting our pricing page. Feel free to contact us with any questions.
